AO7 Standard ways of working

Task 1

Describe the health and safety issues related to the use of ICT and explain how you use them at all times.

Task 2

Organise your work in to the correct folders and show using screenshots.
Use version numbers on files and take a screenshot explain why it is good practice to do this.
Use a password to keep a file secure. (use the word 'password' to avoid the moderator not being able to open it)
Describe the different access permissions that can be applied to a file.

Task 3

Describe the secure back up that you use regularly. (the college system is very secure and reliable)

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AO6 Document and computer security in the workplace

Task 1

Set up a template for a folding leaflet (save as a Publisher template and save in AO3):

Task 2

Use the template to produce an information leaflet for cube systems staff about six security issues relating to documents and computers in the workplace. For each one describe in detail ways that these issues can be avoided.

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AO5 Effective use of email in a business context

Task 1

Send an email to include your name in the subject. These will be put in the shared area for use in the lesson.

Task 2

Add all of the email addresses into your contacts.
Use the following standard features of email software to send 'business like' emails. Take screenshots as evidence. Always include a subject and a sensible message:

  • Use of cc and bcc
  • High and low importance
  • Levels of confidentiality
  • Adding contacts
  • Create a professional signature

Task 3

Use the following advanced features of email software and take screenshots as evidence:
  • Multiple attachments/zipped files
  • Folders to organise emails
  • Group distribution list
  • Spam
  • Auto reply

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AO4 Effective use of written communication in a business context

The evidence for AO4 will be:

  1. The business report on communication systems - using the report template
  2. The presentation on aids and barriers of effective communication - using the presentation template
  3. The folding leaflet on document and computer security - using the leaflet template (you will make this for AO6)
  4. The business letter - using the business letter template

 Within these documents you should have made use of :
  • tables
  • bullets
  • auto numbering
  • columns
  • text boxes

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AO3 Design and create a presentation style for use in business documents

The evidence for AO3 will be screenshots of how you set up the different font styles for the templates. Also the style set that you made. The folder should also contain each of the templates you make.

Task 1
Set up a folder for AO3
Place the document showing how you made the styles into it.
Check you have all the evidence in the document

Task 2
Copy the report template and the Powerpoint template into the folder.

Task 3
Make a business letter template.
Check the exemplar work for layout and contents required.

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AO2 Aids and Barriers to Effective Communication

Aids and Barriers to Effective Communication Memo

A02 Aids and Barriers to effective communications

Task 1:

Using the presentation template that you created as part of AO4 develop a presentation in your house style that discusses the aids and barriers to effective communication. What elements/examples can help or aid effective communication and what elements/examples can put a barrier in place preventing effective communication. For merit and distinction grades, an effort must be made to discuss appropriate examples to back up what you are discussing. Above is a good example of a finished presentation for you to look at.

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Growth of Internet-based business

Task 1

At the end of the business report write a paragraph about how the developments in communications technology have led to a growth in:

  • e-Commerce
  • e-Business
  • e-Marketing
Consider such things as secure payment facilities, increased use of email, more access to broadband, more homes with internet connections, mobile access, increased use of video conferencing.

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AO4 - Set up a Presentation Template

Task 1

You should set up a presentation template for Cube Systems which matches your chosen house style. Set up a title slide and several different types of contents slide. Make sure you save it as a template in your AO4 folder.
Power Point Template

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AO1 Using the Business Report template

Investigate the role and contribution of communication technology to business

Task 1

Use the business template to produce a report:

The report is for Harry Andrews
The title of the report is Business Communication Systems
Enter today's date

Write a brief introductory paragraph describing what the report will include.

Task 2

For the findings you should describe three different types of communication system, explaining a wide range of advantages and disadvantages of each one.

instant messaging
tele conferencing
video conferencing
web conferencing

Make use of a table for the layout.

Task 3

The final section of the report should include a description of how communication technology has contributed to the growth of e-Commerce, e-Business and eMarketing.

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Unit 1 Digital Business Communication

AO3 - Create a business report template

You are required to set up several business templates for 'Cube Systems' to use on a daily basis. They want to use templates to ensure that the 'house style' is always maintained and that everyone produces documents with the same font styles and layout.

Task 1

Choose a logo that compliments the font styles you have set.

Task 2

Choose the font styles to be used in your templates and add them to the styles in MS Word. These styles will be used in all your templates. Take a screenshot and provide a brief description of your choice of styles. Save this document in an AO3 folder.

Task 3

Set up a business report template using the logo and styles you have chosen. This should be saved as a MS Word Template file in the AO3 folder.

Using Styles and Templates in Word

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AO7 User Guide

Make a User Guide for your showcase
with a combination of screenshots and descriptions

Task 1

Front cover
System requirements - these will be the same as for Matchware Mediator
How to install the product

Task 2

How to use each part of the system - moving around, how to use any interactive
elements such as the video and the quiz.

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AO6 Testing and Feedback

Use the results of testing and feedback to produce the final version

Task 1

Make a testing plan and use it to test the finished showcase.
Check that all the links and videos work and that the product is fit for purpose.

Task 2

Make a questionnaire to get feedback from several people.
You should ask for suggestions for improvements as well as
just their opinion of the product.

Task 3

Use the feedback and results of testing to suggest which improvements you will make to the showcase. 

Task 4

Carry out the suggested improvements and provide evidence.
For a pass you can carry out some of the suggested improvements, for a merit
you should carry out most of them and for a distinction all of the improvements have to be carried out.

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AO5 Create the Digital Showcase

Complete your showcase and make sure you have included enough multimedia elements:

  • At least one ‘timeline based event’
  • More than one interactive feature (video, game, quiz)
  • A range of different image types ( photo, map, diagram, graph for example)
  • More than one animation
  • At least one animation you have made yourself
  • More than one sound clip
  • More than one hyperlink (to an external website)



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AO4 Optimise all the elements

Optimise each of the images, the video and ensure that the sound file is saved in MP3 format.

Write a paragraph explaining the reasons why you optimised all of the elements in the showcase.

Things to consider: Speed of delivery accross a network, speed of loading, use on smaller devices.
The Showcase will also take up far less storage space if it is optimised because image and video files are very large. They can be oprimised without too much loss of quality which reduces the file size quite a lot.

Marking Criteria for  AO4

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AO3 Create and Edit Multimedia Elements

Collect images, videos, text, animations, web links and sounds that you will use in your Digital Showcase. 

You will have to show evidence of editing at the very least, one of each of the above elements.
Evidence must show before and after changes clearly. Don't be tempted to produce step by step screenshots that's not necessary.

Keep a record of the source of all the information and who owns the copyright. Set up a table for this. It is not acceptable to say "no copyright found" or to quote Google images as the source, the owner is usually shown at the very bottom of the home page.

Ensure all of your elements are good quality or they will affect the quality of the end product.

Marking Criteria for AO3

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AO2 Design a Solution


Produce an overview showing the structure of the product showing how the user will navigate around the system. Ensure you use arrows to indicate which slides will link together.

Main Interface

Plan the main user interface showing generally what the pages will look like. Indicate colour scheme, font style, buttons and layout.


Create a detailed storyboard for each slide. Clearly indicate where the user interacts with features of the showcase such as video controls and quiz questions.
Show where the timeline based events will be and describe what they will do.

Marking Criteria for AO2

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AO1 Specify Project Requirements

Who is the intended audience for your product?
Think about age and education level.

What is the purpose of your product?
  • to inform
  • to entertain
  • to educate
  • to publicise

What will be the main topics and key features of the presentation?
Explain the areas to be covered and the features that will be included.

Think about the audinces age and education level. How does this affect the main topics chosen and they type of content used?
Think about the purpose of the showcase. How does this affect the main topics chosen and the type of content used?

Marking Criteria for AO1

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Overview of the course

OCR National Level 3

Over the two years you will complete six units which cover a range of ICT skills and disciplines.
In Year 12 the units are:

  • Creating a Digital Showcase
  • Digital Business Communications
  • Collaborative Working

In year 13 the units are:
  • Problem Solving
  • Digital Imaging and Photography
  • Digital Video

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