AO7 - Evaluation

Task 1

Evaluate the effectiveness of each of the following:

  • Search Engines used
  • Search Criteria used
  • Sources of informaiton used
  • The quality of information found

Task 2

  • Compare your internet and non internet sources
  • Evaluate the suitability of the final product
  • Evaluate the use of collaborative tools

Task 3

What changes would you make if you did a similar task in the future?
Evaluate each of the following:
  • the contribution of other group members
  • the the effectiveness of the group
  • your own effectiveness

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AO6 - Review each other's work

Task 1

Email your contribution to the insert to another member of the group for reviewing.
Keep evidence of the emails
Using the review tools in Word, review each other's work and email it back.
Put all the documents together after improvements have been made.

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AO5 - Making the magazine

Task 1

Using the information from your research put together the magazine insert.

Make sure you use at least one non internet source of information.

Task 2

When the magazine is complete show where all your information came from using cross referencing.

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AO4 Carry out research for the group project

Task 1

Make a list of all the information you will look for to include in the magazine insert. Mention which will type of information it should be text, graphs, photographs, cartoon images.

Task 2

Use the internet for research.
Find some of the information from at least two non internet sources such as books, intranet (shared area), magazines, video clips.

Record the source of all of the informaiton including who owns the copyright, dates published, last updated etc. Also comment on suitability and reliability of each source.
 Do Not quote Google images as a source.

Write a paragraph about the copyright and implications for using this information.

Task 3

Use Internet Explorer to set some relevant bookmarks in the favourites also set up folders to store bookmarks.


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AO3 Investigate how search engines work

Types of Search Engine

  • Web Crawler
  • Directory
  • Children's Search Engine
  • Meta Search Engine
  • Hybrid Search Engine

Search Techniques

  • Keywords
  • Quotes
  • Boolean operators
  • Mathematical signs
  • Wildcards

Comparing Results

Number of hits
Relevance of sites found
Types of site found: commercial, educational, entertainment
Any that found particularly useful information for the task

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AO2 Investigate ICT Tools for Collaborative Working

Task 1

Describe methods of communication with ICT that can help people work collaboratively. You have to show examples of using each method within your group.

You could include:
  • email
  • chatroom
  • online whiteboard  Scriblink
  • blog
  • social network
  • instant messaging
  • Intranet
  • Reviewing tools in MS Word

Task 2

Describe the different methods of collaborating using ICT to share information. The methods can be the same as above but your examples will show sharing information rather than simply communicating.

See below an example of a intranet for you to use in either task 1 or 2 or both. This particular intranet is a staff intranet from school and its main function is to share files.

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AO1 Plan a Group Project

Organise yourselves into groups of four and set up a blog which you all can contribute to.
You will present the majority of evidence for Unit 1 in this blog.

In your groups you have to work together to plan the insert for the newsletter. The following things have to be decided:

Task 1

Which topic each person will cover and what will be include in the topic. You will have to include various types of information in the insert such as text, graphs, photographs and diagrams.
You will need a written description as well as using to make your own mind map with an overview of the project.

Task 2

Set up a time plan for completing the project including researching, creating, reviewing and improving the insert.  Use Excel to make a Gantt chart showing the timescale of the project.

Task 4

Make up a list of success criteria by which you will be able to measure the success of the project.

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